Learn Spanish verbs with this free quiz game

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About game modes

If you have less time the 10 or 20 question modes will be better for you. However, if you want to learn the entire vocabulary set, then the quiz will keep going until you have demonstrated that you consistently know every word in the set. Full vocab mode is a great way to learn all the words and to become confident in a specific topic.

Study the vocabulary before taking the quiz

acabarto complete, to finish
aceptar to accept
afeitarto shave
amarto love
ayudarto help, to assist
bailarto dance
bañarto bathe, to wash
besarto kiss
cambiarto change
caminarto walk
cantarto sing
cenarto eat dinner/supper
cocinarto cook
comprarto buy
cortarto cut
cuidarto guard
dejarto leave
desayunarto eat breakfast
descansarto rest
desearto wish, desire
dibujarto draw
disfrutarto enjoy
disgustarto disgust
ducharto shower
dudarto doubt
enojarto anger
enseñarto show, to teach
entrarto enter
escucharto listen, to hear
estudiarto study
fumarto smoke
ganarto win
gastarto spend
gritarto scream, to shout, to yell
gustarto please, be pleasing
hablarto speak, to talk
lastimarto injure, to hurt
lavarto wash
limpiarto clean
llamarto call
llevarto take, to wear
llorarto cry
mandarto send, to command
manejarto drive
mirarto watch, to see, to look
molestarto annoy, to bother
nadarto swim
necesitarto need
ocuparto occupy
olvidarto forget
participarto participate
pasarto pass time, to spend time
pintarto paint
plancharto iron
preguntarto ask a question
prepararto prepare
prestarto lend, to borrow
terminarto terminate, to end
tomarto drink, to take
trabajarto work
usarto use
viajarto travel
visitarto visit
voltearto turn
vomitarto vomit
aprenderto learn
barrerto sweep
beberto drink
comerto eat
comprenderto comprehend, to understand
correrto run
deberto owe, to ought to, should
dependerto depend
esconderto hide
poseerto own, to possess
romperto break
sorprenderto surprise
temerto fear, to be afraid of
toserto cough
venderto sell, to vend
abrirto open
aburrirto bore, to be boring
acudirto attend, to answer a call
admitirto admit, to permit
aplaudirto applaud
asistirto attend
cubrirto cover
decidirto decide
definirto define
describirto describe
discutirto discuss
escribirto write
existirto exist
insistirto insist
interrumpirto interrupt
ocurrirto occur
permitirto permit, to allow
prohibirto prohibit, to forbid
recibirto receive
subirto rise, to climb
vivirto live, to be alive